7 ways to prevent "depression" from catastrophic suicide

7 ways to prevent "depression" from catastrophic suicide

7 ways to prevent "depression" from catastrophic suicide.

Have you ever noticed? There are at least 1 person around you who is currently ill. In the past, people may not pay much attention to depression. Because it is considered a distant matter And see it as a disease for people with mental symptoms but in reality, depression is closer than expected Especially people in the urban society.

"Office girls" and house wives nowadays are another group that is at risk of birth. "Depression" is easier than in the past. Because of many social pressures, including working outside the home Good leadership Being a good lover Or even being a good mother These all make "women" have accumulated more stress. Until may lead to depression.

If you have noticed that in the past 1-2 weeks you have mental and emotional disorders, Thairath Women recommends taking care of yourself early. To prevent oneself being "depression".

"Depression" closer than expected:

Dr. Kitikan Thanudom, Department of Psychiatry The Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital explained that depressive disorders are emotional disorders. People with depression. There will be sad emotions Or more bored and longer than usual Usually every day Duration of at least two weeks.

Such emotions can affect everyday behavior, such as not being interested in any activities that used to be interested in, eating less food, insomnia, feeling tired, tired easily, unable to concentrate, feeling bad, less confident , Looking at things around you negatively And the severe symptom is the desire to die.

If you suspect that you or someone close to you is at risk of developing depression Psychiatrists are also the most important tool in diagnosis. By interviewing, taking history, and assessing symptoms with mental examination.

What causes "depression"?

The cause of depression is caused by physical, biological effects such as chemical imbalances in the brain. Illness with certain physical illnesses Use of certain drugs or drugs Can also cause symptoms of depression.

Psychological aspects, such as adaptation skills to problems Stress and personality management. In addition, social factors such as the loss of close ones, stress Or have chronic illness etc.

Depression is not a serious disease. Doesn't mean to be a psychopath or a psychopath Is a disease that can be cured by taking antidepressants Or chemotherapy drugs in the brain Psychological Should have a conversation with people near you. Looking for help Or ways to solve new problems Should bring family or close ones to participate Including environmental adjustment etc.

Symptom survey "Depression" Introduction:

If anyone is not sure if they have symptoms of Is "depression"? Try to do the preliminary test together If there is a risk, he will be treated early. So let's check if you have any symptoms of depression or not? Or click to enter a questionnaire from the Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital here.
  • Feeling sad, melancholy, irritated, worried, uneasy.
  • Lack of interest in things that have been liked in the past.
  • Weight loss or increase Appetite has changed.
  • Insomnia or sleeping more than usual.
  • Hopeless Felt that he was worthless.
  • No concentration, fatigue, no energy.

Miss only death And wanting to commit suicide:

If you have many of these symptoms And have these symptoms for more than 2 weeks, you may be "depression".

Ways to cope with depression. "Depression".

1. Learn to accept yourself:

Practice exploring yourself, learning to know yourself more. And practice accepting what you are Both advantages and disadvantages In order to help you cope with frustrating situations Knowing yourself thanks and always showing pride in yourself When doing good things Life is up and down. Just cope with it, your body will be lighter.

2. Laugh a lot:

When feeling miserable Should keep yourself occupied with things that make you enjoy, like watching funny movies Or read jokes Or talk to friends In a funny and entertaining story To help relieve stress Relieves suffering in the heart quite well.

3. Vent the feeling:

Should learn to find ways to release feelings of sadness, anger, disappointment, or regret Because depression often results from suppressing emotions We do this by talking to people you trust, shouting or crying out loud. Or write feelings in a notebook.

4. Exercise:

Exercise helps resist "Depression" because exercise helps increase the level of "serotonin" chemicals in the brain, including increased secretion of endorphins that help relax and improve mood. While also helping to improve other health aspects.

5. hang out:

Did you know? Traveling is considered a "good medicine" for people with depression. Because it's an escape from the original environment That makes you feel tired, sad, bored, etc. Switch to a new, more vibrant, more energetic environment. Have seen new things New cultures, new people. These things help to relax stress And can relieve the sadness well as well.

6. Hobby:

If there is a stressful matter Or stories that cause sadness for a long time Have to try to shake off those feelings And then go find something creative to do. Practicing meditation like hobbies can help, such as planting trees, drawing, coloring, cooking, embroidery, etc.

7. Positive Thinking:

Optimism Can actually reduce anxiety Which may start by practicing to think positively Practice looking at various matters All around in a positive angle Training to see others in a positive light And know and appreciate others If possible, it will definitely fill your life with happiness. And don't forget that you are not alone in the world Don't forget family and friends. You can open your mind and chat with them anytime.

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Nice post my dear friend. Enjoyed reading it.



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